image of READY prompt

Listing of file='VSX.SERV' on disk='vmedia/'

# Sector 4, program filename = 'VSX.SERV'
9000 REM % Prog = VSX.SERV  NO  02/19/86  Rel 1.0  (C) COPYRIGHT WANG LABORATO
     RIES,INC. 1986, Main menu from any terminal except 1
9010 DATA "VSX.SERV", "***** VS SERVICES *****",3,0
9020 DATA "WSESTART","Emulate VS Workstation", "P"
9060 DATA "VVIEW","View DMS/VDISK status","P"
9070 DATA "VEDIT","Edit VDISK configuration file","P"
9080 DATA "VCREATE","Create VDISK","P"
9110 DATA "no more","end of menu list"," "