image of READY prompt

Listing of file='README' on disk='vmedia/'

# Sector 611, program filename = 'README'
0020 REM
0040 REM
0060 REM
0070 REM The following restrictions apply to Customer Release 1.00 -
0080 REM
0090 REM 1.   Under terminal emulation, the user must not invoke any VS Task
0100 REM      which will cause code to be downloaded to the terminal (2258)
0110 REM      such as Word Processing.
0120 REM
0130 REM 2.   The VS Terminal Keyboard emulation utilizes 2200 Function
0140 REM      keys -     21 - as cursor up
0150 REM                 22 - as cursor down
0160 REM                 28 - as cursor right
0170 REM                 29 - as cursor left
0180 REM                 25 - as delete one character
0190 REM                 26 - as insert one character
0200 REM
0210 REM      This implementation may impact some users who must use PF keys
0220 REM      22, 23, 26, 27, 29, and 30.  In this case, a modification to
0230 REM      the keyboard translation tables found in module WSESTART is
0240 REM      necessary.
0250 REM
0260 REM      In cases where the keyboard is a DW style and offers cursor
0270 REM      control keys the following changes to WSESTART can be made -
0280 REM
0290 REM            Modify table entry T5$(3) by replacing the string 02 15
0300 REM                 with 06 15.
0310 REM            Modify table entry T5$(4) by replacing the strings -
0320 REM                01 16 by 06 16
0330 REM                0A 19 by 06 19
0340 REM                0B 1A by 06 1A
0350 REM                04 1C by 06 1C
0360 REM                03 1D by 06 1D
0370 REM            Modify table entry T1$(2) by replacing the strings -
0380 REM                28 29 by F9 F8
0390 REM                D2 E2 by F5 F4
0400 REM                2E 2D by F2 F1
0410 REM
0420 REM 3.   When using the VS Access Subroutines, the user must be careful
0430 REM      not to specify a non-zero timeout value unless the file being
0440 REM      worked on has been opened in 'shared' mode.
0450 REM
0470 REM The following known anomalies apply to Customer Release 1.00 -
0480 REM
0490 REM 1.   Record Locking currently does not function as one might expect.
0500 REM      The reason for this is that VS DMS associates file commands with
0510 REM      TASK IDs.  However, since all the users on one 2200 get access
0520 REM      to DMS functions through the same 2200SRV (same VS Task), DMS
0530 REM      treats them all alike.  Since a locked record is released by
0540 REM      the next command from that task, a second user on the same
0550 REM      2200 can cause a record locked by another user to be prematurely
0555 REM      released.
0557 REM
0560 REM      At this time a number of approaches are being investigated to
0570 REM      provide proper record locking.
0580 REM
0590 REM      Although not an anomally, a word of caution.  Since all users on
0600 REM      the same 2200 are using the same 2200SRV Task.  Each users has
0610 REM      the same access privileges as the user who initiated the 2200SRV
0620 REM      task.  Multiple 2258 boards can be used to provide multiple
0630 REM      access privileges for the same 2200.
0640 REM
0650 REM 2.    Due to problems in locking,  VDISKs cannot at this time be
0660 REM       opened in 'Shared' mode.
0670 REM
0680 REM 3.    2200SRV currently supports only up to 31 VDISKs.  An error is
0690 REM       reported when an attempt is made to open a 32nd VDISK.
0700 REM
0710 REM 4.    Terminal Emulation currently does not properly support
0720 REM       protected numeric fields.